Protect intellectual

property and patents

Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars each year on research and development. Unfortunately, unscrupulous individuals and nation states are actively attempting to steal that intellectual property. DTEX helps organizations better understand user behavior, protect data and mitigate insider risk before a threat occurs.

When sharing data across the supply chain, it’s critical to ensure secure data handling practices which means understanding who has legitimate access to data and the context in which the data is accessed and used. DTEX provides context for all high-risk data handling behaviors – differentiating malicious activity and unsafe actions from normal activity, before a breach occurs.

Traditional cyber defense methods don’t provide visibility to all kill chain behaviors prior to an incident. DTEX identifies behaviors that are suggestive of an attack and can produce an evidentiary audit trail that confirms whether critical server environments have been impacted. Even in cases where attempts are made to blend into normal network activity, DTEX profiles superuser accounts for anomalous behavior on endpoints and servers.

DTEX is helping us to protect our crown jewel data that drives our business success. It also enables us to look for accidental and intentional changes that could occur with our intellectual property and strategic data that are the basis our success.”

Director of Insider Risk

Prior to DTEX, we were reactionary. Instead of preventing instances, we were recovering from them, so the potential for loss of data was much higher. The potential that we wouldn’t be able to identify and correlate an event that happened six months ago to an event that happened today changed the potential severity of the escalation.”

Director of Insider RiskPharmaceuticals​