Stop IP theft and protect the supply chain

Organizational IP can be difficult to protect because the information is used daily by employees and business partners. Contract manufacturers need access to designs and part lists, purchasing needs sales forecasts, and IT administrators need access to employee devices. DTEX enables unfettered sharing of intellectual property with continuous monitoring of every user in the supply chain and can quickly identify account compromise behaviors associated with a breach.

Not every data loss event is intentional. Employees may put data at risk when attempting to help the organization by downloading files onto portable storage to work from home or uploading sensitive information to cloud storage to share with a partner. These can be ill-informed attempts to improve productivity. DTEX looks at these actions in context with past actions to determine intent, enabling the security team to take proactive action with teachable moments before a breach occurs.

Traditional cyber defense methods don’t provide visibility to all kill chain behaviors prior to an incident. DTEX identifies behaviors that are suggestive of an attack and can produce an evidentiary audit trail that confirms whether critical server environments have been impacted. Even in cases where attempts are made to blend into normal network activity, DTEX profiles superuser accounts for anomalous behavior on endpoints and servers.

As one of the largest OEM manufacturers in the world, we have thousands of contractors accessing our systems and data from various locations every day. DTEX gives us continuous visibility across all data and systems that are accessed, alerting us immediately to high-risk activities and initiating preventative action to stop data leaks.”

CISO Top 5 Global Manufacturer

When we have an incident, DTEX provides an in-depth and comprehensive report that shows all activity of interest for a user leading up to the incident. The reports that they provide are customized as well to that incident. The knowledge that the staff at DTEX has is excellent.”
