Foreign interference

Don’t be caught blindsided. Get the behavioral intelligence required to identify the most elusive risks early. DTEX InTERCEPT™ ingests high-fidelity data from cyber-physical, psycho-social, and organizational sensors to surface true positives with ample time to mitigate.

Harness the data gravity of DTEX InTERCEPT™ to understand behavioral intent and apply a proportionate response. Leverage out-the-box rules, detections, and mitigations to address some of the most complex use cases, including those that involve an external or third-party nexus.


Stop insider risks from becoming threats, and threats from becoming major security incidents. Only DTEX provides the behavioral telemetry, forensics, and expertise to support escalation, investigations, and, where relevant, prosecutions, so you can stay protected.



A malicious insider behaves with intent to cause harm. Typically involved in IP and data theft, system sabotage, espionage, and financially-motivated fraud.



An outsmarted insider is one that has been compromised by a malicious insider or outside entity. Typically involves social engineering and manipulation.

Negligent and mistaken

Negligent and mistaken

Negligent and mistaken insiders make up the most insider incidents (55%). Typically introduce risk unwittingly through carelessness, inattentiveness, or human error.

DTEX stands out in the crowded cybersecurity landscape primarily because of its rich endpoint telemetry. This unique feature gives it the power to delve into data that is typically encrypted, providing an unparalleled depth of insight that many competitors lack”

Chris Ray Analyst, Gigaom

Being able to use DTEX to focus in on just the targeted events that you need for the investigation, or even leveraging those events into the alerts that we generate holistically, is just a massive time savings.”

VP in Cyber Banking

DTEX does things that other platforms simply don’t do. While it’s powerful on its own, the insights it offers when combined with the other detections we are running is where the real value lies. It’s the final 20% that explains the details of what has happened during an incident.”
