Oct 9, 2024

Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Insider Threats: A Case Study on Rail Networks


As cyber threats continue to evolve, critical infrastructure industries like rail networks face heightened security risks—not only from external actors but also from within their own organizations. Insider risks can be especially threatening to critical operations, with employees (whether malicious or not) capable of compromising sensitive data, disrupting services, or causing irreparable damage to national infrastructure.

This blog explores the insider risks to critical infrastructure, and how agencies can be more proactive in how they protect their critical assets, drawing on a real-world case study of an Australian state rail agency.

The growing threat of insider risks to critical infrastructure

In recent years, insider threats have made headlines, from disgruntled employees tampering with critical systems to insiders colluding with external attackers. These threats are particularly dangerous in critical infrastructure sectors like pharma, manufacturing, and healthcare, where disruptions can have severe consequences for national security and public safety.

As a cornerstone of public transportation and logistics, rail networks are a prime target for both malicious insiders and external threat attackers. The consequences of an insider attack on a rail network could range from data theft to operational disruptions that impact entire cities or regions. Previous breaches, such as the 2008 incident at the San Francisco Municipal Railway, where a disgruntled network administrator held the city’s transit system hostage, underscore the devastating potential of insider threats.

The recent incident involving Network Rail in the UK also underscores the consequences of insider risks. In this case, unauthorized access to the company’s Wi-Fi network by a malicious insider led to racist abuse and threats being broadcasted publicly.

As the custodian of all rail infrastructure and assets in Victoria, VicTrack recognized the importance of proactively addressing insider risks to protect its critical infrastructure. In response, the agency partnered with DTEX for a purpose-built approach to detecting and mitigating insider risks, starting with operational resilience. 

About VicTrack

VicTrack is a diversified company that owns the majority of railway-related infrastructure in Australia’s second-largest state, Victoria. With close to 400 employees and an extensive network of public transport resources to protect, VicTrack deployed DTEX InTERCEPT to up its game against insider threats and endpoint data loss. Interestingly, after working with the platform for a while, the VicTrack team realized that the platform could also spot shadow IT and enable security teams to take the steps necessary to safeguard those non-IT systems from internal and external malicious attacks.

Business continuity and insider risk: Staying resilient

VicTrack’s partnership with DTEX began with a focus on enhancing business continuity planning, a critical aspect of protecting rail operations. After deploying InTERCEPT, VicTrack worked with DTEX to establish a baseline of ‘normal’ employee and IT behavior across its workforce. VicTrack then simulated a large-scale disruption by sending employees offsite to test its business continuity plan. Some worked from home, others from remote offices, and many from the field.

During this time, the InTERCEPT platform provided real-time analytics that compared baseline behavior to offsite activity, revealing how productivity changed in a remote work scenario. This allowed VicTrack to fine-tune its continuity strategy, ensuring employees could maintain full operational capacity—even during emergencies. This foresight paid off when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, as VicTrack was able to seamlessly transition to remote work without compromising security or efficiency.

Combatting insider threats to employee safety and operations

Understanding the many nuances of insider risk, VicTrack sought a rounded approach to security to address not malicious and non-malicious threats both within and outside the organization.

DTEX’s behavioral monitoring capabilities enabled the organization to detect deviations from normal activity that could signal potential insider threats, and to take action.

In some cases, these deviations were the result of innocent mistakes, which VicTrack addressed through employee education. However, DTEX also identified more malicious activities, such as employees tampering with sensitive systems or engaging in unauthorized data transfers. By acting swiftly, VicTrack mitigated the risks to its operations and employees before they could escalate into larger issues.

Detecting both internal and external threats in real-time is essential for rail networks, as any operational disruption can affect thousands of commuters, disrupt freight schedules, and compromise public safety. By leveraging DTEX’s proactive behavioral monitoring capabilities, VicTrack immediately enhanced its ability to safeguard its critical infrastructure.

Securing corporate data and Intellectual Property (IP)

In addition to operational threats, VicTrack also faced the challenge of protecting its corporate data and intellectual property. Insider threats often involve the unauthorized movement of sensitive data, either by employees acting maliciously or through carelessness. As recent high-profile cases, such as the Tesla IP theft incident in 2020, have shown, insiders can easily steal or expose vital information, leading to reputational and financial damage.

Using InTERCEPT, VicTrack gained deep visibility into who was accessing its data, where that data was going, and whether any abnormal activities were taking place—such as copying sensitive information onto external drives. This granular insight allowed the organization to detect the red signs leading up to IP theft and step in early to prevent IP from being compromised.

Managing IT costs and reducing shadow IT risks

Critical infrastructure industries like rail are often burdened with the costs of maintaining extensive IT systems. Shadow IT—the use of unapproved applications and devices within the infrastructure—can exacerbate these costs while introducing significant security risks. VicTrack used DTEX to gain full visibility into its IT environment, allowing it to identify unnecessary or unauthorized applications and shut them down.

By analyzing software usage data, VicTrack optimized its IT contracts and licensing agreements, leading to more cost-effective operations. More importantly, eliminating shadow IT helped reduce the organization’s attack surface, further safeguarding its critical systems from insider risks.

Why protecting critical infrastructure from insider threats matters

The stakes for critical infrastructure are higher than ever. From transportation to energy and more, these industries are the backbone of modern society. A single insider threat can have ripple effects across entire regions, impacting public services, economic activity, and even national security.

VicTrack’s proactive approach to insider risk management, driven by the DTEX InTERCEPT platform, demonstrates how organizations can strengthen their defenses against these threats. By detecting and addressing both innocent mistakes and malicious activities in real-time, VicTrack has significantly reduced the risk of insider risks compromising its critical operations.

This case study exemplifies how rail networks and other critical infrastructure sectors can proactively mitigate insider risks, protect operations, and ensure long-term resilience in an increasingly dangerous digital landscape.

Download the case study for quick insights, or for a deeper understanding of how InTERCEPT can protect your infrastructure against insider threats, request a demo.

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